Everything you need to know about     

Abdominoplasty surgery or Tommy Tuck surgery!  

Abdominoplasty, also known as a Tummy Tuck, is the cosmetic surgery term for abdominal. The goal is to strengthen the muscles and skin of the abdomen to have firmer skin and a smoother abdomen.                

Abdominoplasty and Tummy Tuck can Flatten Your Stomach. Flatten and toning your Stomach is very hard. Dr. Fadaei applies a technique in Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck surgery that gives you a faster, more comfortable recovery.

You should know that these issues with your appearance probably can’t be fixed by following a healthy lifestyle alone. So, outside factors, such as the aging process, hereditary traits, major weight loss and pregnancy are the reason.

pregnancy can also cause your abdominal muscles to separate or become severely weakened. This condition is technically known as diastasis recti, and makes your stomach bulge as if you were still pregnant.  

As you get older, your body gradually stops producing collagen and elastin. These are two proteins that are essential for healthy skin. Without a good supply of collagen and elastin, your abdominal skin weakens and becomes less elastic. This makes your skin unable to “bounce back” to a smaller size or shape after pregnancy or when you’ve lost a lot of weight.

How long does abdominoplasty or Tommy Tuck surgery take?

Most of the time, this surgery takes about three hours to perform, although it depends on the complexity of your situation. It can be shorter or longer. if you need to perform liposuction to remove surplus fatyour, surgery may take longer. This technique is also known as “lipoabdominoplasty”. the amount of excess skin/fat that needs to be removed and whether your abdominal muscles need to be repaired are effective in increasing the time of surgery.

ابدوIn this surgery, a horizontal incision across the pubic area is created. The tissues will be separated from the underlying muscles and repair your abdominal muscles.  Internal stitches will be placed in your stomach muscles, which run vertically from the pubic bone to the ribs. These stitches hold your restored abdominal muscles in a tightened position, so they don’t bulge. If you don’t have diastasis recti, then this won’t be necessary for you.

The muscles and tissues with the use of additional internal stitches will be rejoined. Loose excess skin is removed before the remaining skin is pulled taut.

It’s important for Dr. Fadaei that the amount of skin tightening is accurately measured for each patient. The location of the navel will be aligned with the new, svelte abdominal contour, relation to the rest of every person’s body.

best candidates for Abdominoplasty/ tommy tuck surgery:

Abdominoplasty/ tommy tuck can provide results to anyone but the most suitable candidates are those who experience:

  • Excess or sagging abdominal skin:

 This is a common side effect of weight-loss or giving birth. After skin has been significantly stretched, it can be hard or perhaps impossible in some cases to restore it without surgery.

  • Stretch marks:

A very common side effect of rapid growth or weight gain, notably pregnancy. Although they pose no health risk and do not necessarily require operations. However, they vary in severity and can look unattractive. Depending on where they are situated it may be possible for abdominoplasties to remove them.

  • A protruding stomach:

This can be hereditary and can lead to excessive build-ups of fatty tissue or skin on the stomach area. It can even be hard to target these areas with exercise alone!

  • Weakened abdominal muscles:

 The effect of childbirth can often lead to the weakening, separation of a person’s abdominal muscle wall. During pregnancy, muscle walls are warped and separated in unpredictable ways. As these muscles are essential to mobility and body support, it is vital that they fully heal after giving birth. In some instances, they do not, and it is in these instances, corrective surgery can help.

ابدوwhat you should doing before abdominoplasty surgery

The first thing to do is make yourself familiar with the procedure, and have your needs assessed by an expert, you can con

tact Dr.Fadaee Clinic to speak with one of our Consultant. They will assist you in taking the next steps towards a slimmer, fitter and all-round healthier body.



Liposuction or Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)!

How to fade scars After tummy tuck